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The B2B segment is not a place for quick and emotional purchases. A customer may be interested in your product or service, but he needs time to make a decision. Retargeting helps not to miss such a buyer. Maxim Pelmegov, a specialist in contextual and targeted advertising at Aktion Marketing , explains how to “catch up” with your customers and still close the deal.

What is retargeting
Write different texts for different audiences
Count actions, not views

Remember the length of the transaction

Don’t be a bother
Test different ads
Lead the customer to the landing page
Rate the effectiveness
Maintain your reach

What is retargeting
Retargeting brings an interested customer back to library shop your website by reminding them of a product or service. Let’s say a person visited an online store while any application where they are logged in was open. The website will remember the login details using advertising services. And then show the user an ad for the product or service on any device where they have an account.

Unlike targeting, retargeting is aimed only at those people who have already visited your site and are interested in the product or service. This tool reminds the potential client of the problem and

Encourages them to make a decision

Retargeting helps to “catch up” with the client , increase conversion and make the advertising campaign more effective. Especially if you set it up correctly. We will tell you about 8 ways to increase conversion from retargeting.

Write different texts for different audiences
There are no universal ads. The more clearly you draw a portrait of your client and understand their motives, the easier it will be to hit the target and close the sale.

Divide your audience into segments : by loyalty how often you interact with posts and readiness to buy (cold, warm and hot leads), by specific services and products (typical for retail), and so on. Try different creatives, but don’t shoot “from the belly”: it’s important to clearly see the goal. For example, show the client the product he is interested in , again and again, focusing on positions with the maximum viewing time. The chances of a sale will increase significantly.

Count actions, not views

Viewing does not always mean that a person is cz lists ready to buy something. But if he filled out a special form, registered, left some information about himself, it is important not to miss an almost ready buyer.

Analyze user behavior on the site using Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica counters, which record specific target actions of the client. This could be reading an article or viewing a product for more than 30 seconds, interest in other materials on this or related topics, involvement in interactive features on the site (for example, using a calculator), and so on.

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