Effective Communication: A Blueprint for Communicating to the 3 Brains

You cannot succeed in creating an effective Digital Marketing strategy without taking into account the importance of effective communication that can reach and persuade your audience.

By nature, the human brain puts up barriers when it encounters sales techniques or when you try to convince it to do something. In fact, in this case we are talking about manipulation and it has nothing to do with persuasion.

To overcome the skepticism of your interlocutor, you need to be able to communicate to the 3 brains . Discover what they are and take inspiration from some examples to create campaigns that bring real results.

Effective Communication: Introduction

The basis of digital marketing strategies is the identification of your target to activate effective communication . In fact, in our campaigns, regardless of the channel, it is not possible (and it is not very profitable) to intercept “everyone”.

By trying to please everyone in our communication we would not be able to communicate with anyone in reality.

Buyer personas are a great way to identify the typical customer for our business. You can find a template for building them in one of my latest articles, click here to read it.

However, when we imagine or already have in mind our audience, we cannot ignore the aspect of communication which must be effective to obtain the desired conversions .

Ok, all clear, but how do I do it?

To implement persuasive copywriting techniques, you need to know how the human brain works , or rather, the 3 brains .

Communicating to the 3 Brains: What Are They?
For our campaigns to be effective and persuasive we must know that the human brain is attracted to certain linguistic sequences and prefers some words to others.

As I mentioned before, according to the theory of neurologist Paul McLean , man has 3 brains and each one has specific characteristics. Let’s look at them in detail.

Reptilian brain

It is the oldest part and it is what puts trust into play . In short, if it smells something fishy, ​​it runs away. The reptilian brain makes decisions very quickly and if it identifies sales or persuasion tricks, it raises barriers.

To understand why, we need to go back to the past, to the times of our ancestors. In fact, the reptilian brain, thanks to its ability to not be influenced by emotions, has allowed the human race to survive. It represents the seat of primary instincts : reproduction, fight-flight response, conquest and defense and all the autonomous functions of the body.

Later, we will find out with which contents it is possible to activate it, but I anticipate that it is sensitive to images that concern the instincts of which it is the seat: food, sex (even if not explicit) and danger.

Read on to find out how you can help lower the barriers of this first guardian.

Limbic brain
Let’s enter the emotional field . In fact, the limbic brain needs to feel emotions, to feel empathy and to connect with other people.

However, he also has barriers to break down: showing kittens and children is not enough to win him over. In fact, it is also the selfish brain that evaluates whether what is proposed is relevant to his desires and can satisfy them.

Here too, you will be able to discover later the contents to activate and overcome his resistance with effective communication focused on pathos , that is, arousing emotions.

Neocortical brain

Rationality is missing from the roll call . We all know the talking cricket from Pinocchio, right? Well, that’s exactly what we’re talking about!

The neocortex seeks logic and decides based on past experiences and cognitive biases . We are victims of the latter when we believe we have made a rational choice, but in reality we have created our subjective reality. Let’s see some examples to better understand the concept of cognitive bias:

Confirmation bias : we only pay attention to information that confirms our ideas. In fact, by nature we tend to be hostile and ignore those who want to change our vision of things.
Availability bias : when we overestimate information, that is, when it is convenient for us!
Hyperbolic discounting bias : We seek immediate gratification over long-term gratification (this is why dieting doesn’t work XD)
It is important to know, however, that the neocortex is the part of the brain to which, in marketing and sales, one should pay the least attention. In fact, nothing will be achieved if the reptilian brain and the limbic brain do not agree.

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What Contents Activate the Reptilian Brain

What types of content are analyzed c level contact data by the most archaic brain ? Let’s analyze the main ones.

Situational connection
This includes all the sentences that say bx leads something obvious and already known to those who listen or read us. Therefore, also all the situations that the person can understand because they have already experienced them.

Let’s give some examples!

“Today in marketing it is increasingly difficult to get paid the right price.”
“Summer is coming and, like every year, the swimsuit test is upon us.”
“Choosing a management software is a complicated choice, because the offer is truly multiple”.
Vision Statement
Stating your company or brand’s purpose and vision activates the reptilian brain because it is a goal that cannot be calculated.

Example: “We want to make breakfast better for all children.”

Leadership Statement
Speaking your mind in a confident and authoritative way suggests that you know what you’re talking about and that you’re confident in what you say. This makes you a leader to follow , and the reptilian brain likes that.

Fields of consent

In this content our audience must think or say “yes” 3 times in a row . Remember that assent can be explicit, fast and unconscious. One technique is to target fields or interests that concern the user with rhetorical questions.

“Do you want to get in shape for the summer?”
“Are you interested in earning more?”
“Do you want to learn how to do this or that?”
Another way is to use sentences so generic that they appear credible and, therefore, provoke assent in the reader.

“For many people, summer is an opportunity to get in shape.” is a sentence that produces a “yes” as an answer, because even those who don’t take the opportunity to get in shape are aware of the fact that many people do. So while reading, they nod mentally.

If you are interested in learning more about the assent fields technique, you can see the Milton Model which represents hypnotic language . This consists of using vague sentences that can be filled with content by the reader.

For example, the sentence “it is important to learn these linguistic intelligence techniques, because people who do it then know how to behave in various situations” is intentionally vague. In fact, we do not know for whom it may be important and to which techniques, people and situations it is referring.

Each reader can interpret it as he or she wishes and that is why this type of language is so seductive .

Customer Recall

In simple words it must express the concept of “I want you ”.

Example “Do you work in marketing? So…”

Limbic Brain Analysis
As we said, the limbic brain is seduced by emotions ; therefore, it loves the power of stories and emotional content. Again, let’s analyze some content that activates this part of the emotional brain.

Call to universal values
They are all those who aim for universal values ​​such as health, freedom, trust, serenity, well-being and knowledge.

“For us, the trust of our customers is fundamental”
“We care about the well-being of…”
“The freedom to be yourself…”
In all these cases we ensure the emotional involvement of our interlocutor.

The Power of Stories. Humans are naturally drawn to stories because in evolutionary history they have helped them survive by transmitting important information and engaging with emotions.

For effective communication it is necessary to use the techniques of true storytelling, following the pattern of the hero’s journey . Sometimes a few lines are enough to unleash the limbic brain, which is in love with stories.


We are talking about the rhetorical figure that consists of repeating the same word or phrase three times at the beginning of sentences.

Generative language
In this type of content we talk about Milton Erickson’s generative language .

One of the figures used is what he calls “Lost Performative”. This consists of giving statements that do not involve actions, practically a statement of absolute truth .

Example “This is important, that is important”

Narration rich in emotional contrasts

In this technique we aim to leverage two different and opposing emotions : fear and tranquility, joy and sadness or pain and peace. Using these we can transform concepts into problems to be solved with our solutions or our advantages.

People can be motivated by:

leveraging the problems they will avoid by deciding to purchase a certain service or product;
leveraging the benefits by deciding to purchase a certain service or product.
Here’s a tip to keep in mind: Use the “from” first and then the “to” to leave the solution that the user will gain last.

What does effective communication represent for the neocortex?
Now let’s talk about logic and rationality . In fact, all the contents analyzed by the neocortex must concern concrete and real concepts. Obviously, these must have overcome the barriers of the reptilian and limbic brains.

Single command
It is the classic call to action that invites the user to take a specific action.

Block command of three
Lead the person with three indications at a time. We are providing 3 solutions or advantages to our interlocutor to reinforce the idea of ​​the benefit that he will get from our service or product.

Numbers and statistics
After convincing the reptilian and limbic brain, we can insert the ingredients, discount percentages and numbers that can characterise our goods or services.

Balanced sentences
This technique requires sentences to have the same amount of text before and after the “o” or comma in the middle of the sentence.

Among this type of question there are also other types such as:

Of quantity : “How great is your thirst?”
So : “How do you want to start?”
About time : “When do you want to start?”
Examples of effective communication to activate the 3 brains
The ideal in marketing campaigns is to create effective and persuasive communication that speaks to all 3 brains at the same time . Remember that you must first break down the barriers of the reptilian brain, then the limbic brain and finally target the neocortical brain.

Let’s look at some examples to nail down the concept and enable you to create high-performing ads.

Example 1
Example 1 of effective communication

Example post :
We want to make breakfast better for all children, (R) because it is important to take care of the people you love. (L) Discover with us how to make the perfect breakfast, download your favorite recipe and… start off great with XXXX cereals! (N)

Example website :
Knowledge sets you free. (R) Only people who have access to the best information can have a rich, full, happy life. (L) Choose the topic that interests you, decide which book you want to receive as a gift and fill out the form with your details: knowledge awaits you.

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