The world is becoming increasingly digitalized, making it essential to implement a digital marketing strategy . Therefore, building an ecosystem that combines the best tools with the most effective techniques can ensure results in traffic and revenue.
Not sure how it could help you and I’ve piqued your curiosity?
Discover all the potential and results that a good marketing ecosystem can bring to your brand by continuing to read the article!
What is digital marketing?
Why is it important to build an ecosystem quickly? Let’s start with the definition of digital marketing and marketing ecosystem !
Digital marketing concerns all marketing activities and practices that involve the use of digital channels and tools . The main objective is to obtain visibility, improve performance and optimize investments to the maximum.
A marketing ecosystem
On the other hand, is the sum of all the tactics you put into play to be present online throughout the user’s buyer journey. The latter represents the entire path of awareness and purchase that your audience takes from when they begin to approach your brand, until they become your customer (and especially after!).
Therefore, choosing all the tools and practices of our ecosystem effectively, quickly and strategically will allow us to invest our money and our time in the best possible way .
In fact, isn’t it often said that “time is money”?
Digital marketing Emanuela Incarbone
Before choosing the tools to do digital marketing
When you start an online project, there are so many tactics to “sell yourself” and activities to do. Therefore, it is essential (even more so during the project start-up phase) to choose the “right” platforms and start with the fundamental tools . In fact, these will allow you to quickly build a “sustainable” online marketing ecosystem around your ideal customers in an effective and strategic way!
Before seeing which elements to use to build our digital marketing strategy, we need to talk about questions: those to ask ourselves before starting and those of our audience.
What is the 80/20 law?
“The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule ) states that 80% of the results come from 20% of the causes/actions.”
Please note: These percentages do not refer to the amount of effort you put in, but to the causes and consequences of this effort !
In this perspective, the key questions to ask yourself in order to start building are:
What spaces do my Buyer Personas inhabit ?
What are the platforms that allow me to optimize my effort and get the best result?
How do I turn paid traffic into owned traffic ?
Which KPIs will I use to measure performance?
Difference between Latent Demand and Conscious Demand
The next step, essential to correctly choose the tools, is to understand the difference between latent demand and conscious demand.
In fact, these determine at what stage of the purchasing process the people I want to intercept are.
Conscious demand : this is the phase in which you search for a product or service. Therefore, the user is aware of wanting to purchase a certain product or service to solve a problem or to fulfill a desire. To give you a practical example, it is when you actively do a search on Google.
Latent demand : represents a probable interest, but which emerges only if subjected to the right stimuli. We are therefore not faced with the voluntary and declared expression of a “need”
In this table below, you can see where the various advertising tools (the most famous) are located that you can use to intercept the two types of demand.
conscious and latent question
Marketing Ecosystem
Your toolbox
Well, we’ve made the necessary preparations!
I recommend you start to build your Digital Marketing strategy :
Email marketing
Blogging and SEO
Social Media Marketing
Before we dive into every single element that makes up a marketing ecosystem that works, we need to start with the basics: our beloved buyer personas.
The basis for a good strategy: target analysis and construction of buyer personas
It is not possible to build a digital marketing ecosystem without thinking about who our audience is and without building buyer personas.
What are they?
These represent the typical customers of your brand created on the basis of information collected through tracking systems ( Pixel , Insight tag , etc.). In fact, the goal is to design these personas in the most detailed way possible to be able to speak to and involve our target.
Download the template
What now? It’s finally time to look in detail at the Digital Marketing tools that will allow you to build your own ecosystem focused on performance and optimization .
We provide an extensive GCash database to assist you improve your marketing tactics. Please visit our website to get this important resource special database if you’re interested. In addition to our Gmail and WhatsApp data, we offer premium B2B fax list data customized to meet your company’s requirements. We make sure that our data is accurate and relevant by carefully gathering it from different countries.
1 Email Marketing
Email marketing is the best digital marketing tool to convert paid traffic into owned traffic.
Digital marketing email country email data marketing with Klaviyo
How Klaviyo works and how to get the most out of it, watch the video
Why is it important?
No online project, which does not have BIG bx leads margins (70%?), can think of surviving by basing its system of acquiring new customers ONLY on the purchase of paid advertising spaces.
Furthermore, you must never forget that. When you spend money on Google or Facebook ads. You are not at “your home” but you are a guest of these platforms. So, at any moment they could decide to “change the cards on the table” and put you in the situation of having to completely review your strategy. It would be really frustrating, don’t you think?
Not to mention the CPM which is constantly increasing year after year (I talk about it in depth in this article )
The Benefits of Integrating Email Marketing into Your Digital Marketing Plan
It is NOT true that we no longer read emails. We don’t read boring, self-referential, inconvenient, or poorly timed emails.
By choosing a professional platform like Klaviyo (which I am a partner of) you can take advantage of a series of INCREDIBLE tools and data to maximize your return on investment, such as:
Database segmentation, through proprietary and integrated data:
to know (live) the customer buyer journey. In fact, you can know where your users are in the purchasing journey and consequently, you will be able to send RELEVANT communications;
Automatic flows allow us to optimize our time and increase the relevance of our communications (and offers). Data and tests , on the other hand, allow us to constantly improve performance;
Reporting allows us to monitor the effectiveness of our KPIs and validate the strategy, both of the tool and the overall one;
If you use a professional tool like Klaviyo you can connect your email database to Facebook audiences for your sponsored ads. Maximizing your advertising budget ;
WearMe Babywearing Results with Email Marketing
(here you can find the complete case study)
Here are the revenue and flow results achieved with Klavyo in the last 30 days.
(The klaviyo system tracks the click, meaning that the purchase generated in the last 7 days is attributed only if a user has first clicked on the link in an email and then purchased)
This means, in the case of WearMe, that Klaviyo contributed, with automatic flows and sending of newsletters and offers, to generate 65% of the turnover.
An incredible result, don’t you think?
To achieve these results with email marketing , it is also important to ask yourself the right questions:
What data do I need NOW in the registration form , to be able to offer the best automatic flow to the user?
What do people want in exchange for their email?
What is my story, my mission? What are my values = Welcome Series;
With which offer do I make myself “irresistible”? With which offer will I be “bought back” = Post Purchase, WinBack, Abandoned Carts, Back in stock;
How will you segment your database? + Nurturing Series;
What will you talk about in the next 6 Emails? = DEM and NL Calendar
Start here: the steps
Let’s see the steps to follow to implement an effective strategy.
It is essential to understand that users will not give you their data if they do not have any benefit . Therefore, after analyzing your audience, plan a discount or interesting Lead magnets . To create the latter you can take inspiration and follow the suggestions you find in this article .
Make sure you offer the best flow to the user by planning to collect essential data from the very beginning.
For example, for WearMe Babywearing, we ask users if they already have a carrier or if they don’t carry yet (in a sling or baby carrier) so we know right away what content and products to include in our Welcome Series.
Build your Welcome Series by talking about your values, who you are and your mission. This will increase Brand Awareness among your potential customers.
Is one Welcome Series enough? Not 1, not 2, but 3 Welcome Series (Even 4, why not!). More work for sure, but also more relevance and attention, all things that turn into MONEY.
Predict the series of Post Purchase, WinBack, Abandoned Carts and Back in stock. In fact, these represent the offer that will make you irresistible and that will make them buy your product or service again.
Remember: It is said that if a customer does not place a second order within 90 days, they are “lost”.
With WearMe we have activated a series of discounts diversified according to the sequence, but the discount is not always the best lever, it depends on the overall strategy (sometimes even a 5% discount is enough to move to the purchase try it and believe it!)
The next step is segmenting your database and with Klaviyo it can be really easy!
Sending everything to everyone will not only make you lose revenue opportunities, but you will see your email opening and click-through rates decrease INCREDIBLY , as well as seeing the number of unsubscribers increase.
Here we are at the last but not least point!
Organization is key to ensuring you’re always using effective content. So, take the time to organize a calendar that includes the following:
a little offer on a regular basis
To create your own super content
That you need (also) an automatic “ Nurturing” Sequence (use your best Newsletters)
Digital marketing email marketing with Klaviyo
2 Blogging and SEO
The second tool that I recommend you implement as soon as possible is SEO .
SEO allows you to grow your organic traffic (i.e. not paid). Furthermore, the results are long-lasting and the investment pays for itself.
In addition to using SEO techniques to position your site in search engines, make sure to focus on content marketing (SEO optimized) by activating a Blog and/or a YouTube channel.
This way you can answer a direct question (i.e. an online search) and also create content to reshare on other platforms. In fact, external links are very popular with Mr. Google because they increase the authority of your site.